Comments by Martin Menzel

Thursday, August 26, 2004

textarea in blog test

<textarea name="user_eingabe" cols="40" rows="10">
This is Text in the textarea:

Monday, August 23, 2004

Informationsquellen zu Software Entwicklungs Modelle

Willkommen zum V-Modell

Wasserfall Modell

SEM Projektablauf ...

Einführung in die Softwaretechnik

Rational Unified Process [PDF-Präsentation]

RSS RDF Feed Links


Article about "Using the Jena API to Process RDF"

Jena Sourceforge Homepage

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Projektmanagement : in-Step - Download Personal Edition

in-Step - Download Personal Edition

The personal edition is free. The windows installer binary has a size of about 60MB.

WebInject - HTTP Test Tool

WebInject - HTTP Test Tool

XPWeb | Other

XPWeb | Other

TeXPower - Dynamic Online Presentations with LaTeX

TeXPower - Dynamic Online Presentations with LaTeX

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Planet PDF - IAC - Printing using Acrobat Reader

Planet PDF - IAC - Printing using Acrobat Reader

The options to use for printing with AcrobatReader from the command line are:

AcroRd32.exe /t "" "" "" ""

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

LEO English-German Dictionary

LEO English-German Dictionary

The best online dictionary in the web!!

Monday, August 16, 2004

Customize the right click context menus

Customize the right click context menus

ActiveWindows -- Customize My Computer Context Menu

ActiveWindows -- Customize My Computer Context Menu

Context Menu Extension DLL 2.4 in ActiveX free download

Context Menu Extension DLL 2.4 in ActiveX free download

Java Tip 93: Add a file finder accessory to JFileChooser

Java Tip 93: Add a file finder accessory to JFileChooser

Compare also to functinality of our extended search stand alone application

JNLP Start of Extended Searcher

We are looking for (platform dependent) possibilities to include the searcher in file managers like windows explorer and konqueror. Comments on this are welcome.

Here is a possible way how to solve this problem, which I found today. On this page are two demos listed: FileExplorer and Browser.

Sounds very interesting!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Java Compiler Compiler Informations

javacc: JavaCC Home

javacc-tutorial.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Seminarvortrag "JavaCC/JJTree"

JavaCC, parse trees, and the XQuery grammar, Part 1

JavaCC, parse trees, and the XQuery grammar, Part 2

Build your own languages with JavaCC

On this webpage a collection of javadoc API's is provided and registered user can add their own comments to each Class.

Original description:

JDocs is a comprehensive online resource for Java API documentation. All the javadocs for a variety of popular packages are loaded into our db-driven system, and users can contribute their own notes to virtually any class, field, method. In short, JDocs provides a knowledge base defined around the major Java api's themselves, so you can find the information you're looking for right where it should be... in the documentation!

Friday, August 13, 2004

Singular Systems - JEP - Java Math Expression Parser

Singular Systems - JEP - Java Math Expression Parser

In this project, by use of the JavaCC (Java Compiler Compiler) a Mathematical Expression Parser is generated. So this project is closely related to the JavaCC project Java Compiler Compiler Homepage

Gerhard Welter Consulting

Welter Consulting

Hier entsteht eine neue Webpräsenz. Gerhard Welter vermittelt präzise auf die Anforderungen passend Fachpersonal. Dabei werden personalsuchende Firmen nicht auf einer Webseite alleine gelassen, sondern individuell und persönlich betreut.

Homepage Dr. Martin Menzel (Privatrechner)

Homepage Dr. Martin Menzel (Privatrechner)

Brainbench - The Measure of Achievement

Brainbench - The Measure of Achievement

Katzenpension Meisenfelder - Standard Seite - Katzenhotel

Katzenpension Meisenfelder - Standard Seite - Katzenhotel

BYACC/J Home Page

BYACC/J Home Page