Comments by Martin Menzel

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Desktop Calendar XP

Desktop Calendar XP

Desktop Calendar XP is a lightweight and simple to use calendar, which provides an easy on eye interface for the common calendaring needs of a Windows user. It also comes with a good collection of pictures to beatify the calendar on your desktop. Moreover it comes with a beautiful Real-time Desktop Clock, Wallpaper Manager and a built-in Alarm.

The Images in the Desktop Calendar are splendid and you can download more Image Packs from the web site. Each Image Pack contains 12 High Resolution pictures.

If you are a registered user (Registration is absolutely FREE), you can ask for image packs on special themes or you can add your own pictures to the Calendar.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Always-FRIENDS - Die deutsche Friends TV Fanpage zur amerikanischen Sitcom Friends

Always-FRIENDS - Die deutsche Friends TV Fanpage zur amerikanischen Sitcom Friends

Download / eZ publish

Download / eZ publish: "eZ publish is an open source content management system and development framework with functionality for web publishing, intranets, e-commerce and more.

When downloading eZ publish, you have the choice to use it under the professional license (eZ publish Pro or Enterprise) or GPL license (free open source licence)."

GNUnet - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)

GNUnet - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF): "Introduction

GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking. The primary application implemented within the GNUnet framework is anonymous censorship-resistant file-sharing.

The goal of the GNUnet project is to provide an infrastructure for secure peer-to-peer networking. All communication in GNUnet is authenticated and link-to-link encrypted. The economic model makes attacks on the network harder since the economics can be used to control resource usage. GNUnet peers exchange messages using a pluggable transport service abstraction. Currently, transport services based on UDP, TCP, HTTP and SMTP are available. The GNUnet core provides mechanisms to perform resource allocations for CPU, bandwidth and storage space. The core enforces resource limitations set by the user. GNUnet does not rely on any centralized services. New Peer-to-Peer protocols can be easily implemented on top of the basic GNUnet infrastructure. Current protocols include anonymous file sharing, a trivial chat protocol, message throughput benchmarking and network topology visualization.
While our goals are similar to projects like Freenet, Gnutella, Mnet, and others, we hope to provide a superior combination of features for users that value security more than efficiency."

Sunday, January 23, 2005

RSS ATOM Feed Validator

Feed Validator

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Internet Relay Chat Client

XChat: Internet Relay Chat Client

MIRC the standard Client (Shareware)

A Sourceforge Java IRC [Eteria IRC Client]

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

EZ ThunderBird Backup - Backup your ThunderBird mail and contacts with ease!

EZ ThunderBird Backup - Backup your ThunderBird mail and contacts with ease!

Using Gmail, Hotmail/MSN or Yahoo! Mail with Thunderbird. - MozillaZine Forums

Using Gmail, Hotmail/MSN or Yahoo! Mail with Thunderbird. - MozillaZine Forums

Monday, January 17, 2005

ESA Portal

ESA Portal

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Schutz der Privatsphaere / Verschluesselung mit PGP / GnuPG

Das GNU-Handbuch zum Schutze der Privatsphaere

WinPT ist eine Integrations-Software zur Nutzung von GNUPG unter Windows. Verschlüsselung und Entschlüsselung, Signierung, Schlüsselverwaltung und sicheres Löschen sind in den Windows Explorer integriert.



Manual zur Verwendung von GnuPG

Monday, January 10, 2005

PGP-Mime/ S-Mime Verschlüsselung/Signatur mit Thunderbird

Allgemein nuetzliches Tool zum Open PGP = GnuPG Verschlüsseln und Signieren bekommt man für Win32 unter

WinPT: Windows Privacy Tools - Einfache Installation und Benutzung auf GnuPG basierender OpenPGP Programme

Auf der Webseite von GnuPG bekommt man die neueste Version von GnuPG falls man eine neuere Version moechte als die die in WinPT bereits enthalten ist. Thunderbird funktioniert bei mir aber auch mit der WinPT version von GnuPG

GnuPG Download Mirrors Seite

Die neuste Deutsche Thunderbird Installationsdatei kann man unter



Für die Enigmail Verschlüsselungsextension geht man auf die Seiten

Enigmail Basis Paket

Download Enigmail Basis

und die Spracherweiterung für den deutschen Thunderbird

Spracherweiterungen für Enigmail und Thunderbird

Die XPI Files muessen zunächst nur heruntergeladen (rechte Maustaste/Speichern als) werden. Anschliessend kann man dann im Thunderbird unter Extras/Erweiterungen die XPI Files installieren. Nach Neustart von Thunderbird ist dann Enigmail Einsatzbereit und kann für die Signatur/Verschlüsselung von Mails verwendet werden.

Fragen/Kommentare/Erfahrungen sind willkommen .... einfach unten auf Comments klicken.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Handmade Fashion - Startseite

Handmade Fashion - Startseite

Friday, January 07, 2005

LookSmart's Furl - Your Personal Web

LookSmart's Furl - Your Personal Web

Heft-CD Vollversionen Registrierungen auf - All Sound Recorder XP, Claviscom CRYPTO LE 5.0, Claviscom SCHREDDER, myphotobook 1

Heft-CD Vollversionen Registrierungen auf - All Sound Recorder XP, Claviscom CRYPTO LE 5.0, Claviscom SCHREDDER, myphotobook 1

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Whitepaper_HTTPResponse.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)

Whitepaper_HTTPResponse.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)

DocBook XML authoring tools

DocBook XML authoring tools

XML Startlet Validating XML Files

Stylus Studio Visual DTD Editor

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Internet Explorer http POST Problem Loesungen von Microsoft

Internet Explorer http POST Problem Loesungen von Microsoft

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Notebook-Speicher - Ihr Experte f�r Speicher Erweiterungen und Memory Upgrades f�r Ger�te aller Arten und Hersteller

Notebook-Speicher - Ihr Experte f�r Speicher Erweiterungen und Memory Upgrades f�r Ger�te aller Arten und Hersteller

Saturday, January 01, 2005



Free webspace - Illusionfxnet :: Where webhosting is nothing but the best!

Illusionfxnet :: Where webhosting is nothing but the best!